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Our Location 583 Orchard Road, #13-03 Forum

Trans-Disciplinary Learning

What is Trans-Disciplinary Learning?

Trans-Disciplinary Learning is an educational approach that transcends traditional academic disciplines and encourages students to integrate knowledge, skills, and perspectives from multiple fields of study, including psychology, occupational, speech and behavioural therapy.

At Dynamics we understand that students need more than conventional school to be successful. Many students have complex needs and we are uniquely placed in our multi-disciplinary therapy centre to collaborate, develop and implement effective strategies for our student's holistic development.

As part of each students timetable, they receive a minimum of four hours per week of specialized group therapy sessions conducted by this same transdisciplinary team. The subjects include:

Social Emotional Learning Collaborative Learning Social Skills Self Regulation Fine Motor Development
Taught by our team of Psychologists, the aims of this class include: Effective social and emotional expression. physical and emotional well-being, and strengthened peer and family relationships The ABA team offer students a course that focuses on classroom skills such as working in groups effectively, accepting each other’s differences and respecting our opinions and actions. Speech Therapists join students in school to learn about appropriate communication strategies with our friends, family, peers and strangers. We discuss how these relationships affect the way we communicate. The Occupational Therapy (OT) team help students find ways to regulate their complex physical and emotional feelings through movement and sensory aids. The OT team join us again to help students with their fine motor coordination this improves their pencil grip, handwriting skills and more complex artistic development such as drawing, painting and sewing.