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Call Now+65 6100-9235

Our Location 583 Orchard Road, #13-03 Forum

Book a School Tour

We hope that the website with its additional information will bring our school to life, but we would always encourage you to visit the school in person. Visiting the school will enable you and your child to get a better feel for Dynamics International School and experience for yourself our special ethos and environment.

You may choose to arrange an individual visit and meet our senior staff as we recognize that selection is a two-way process that involves much investigation and discussion by families, many of whom are choosing an educational provision for the first time.

Please call for more information or to schedule a meeting with our professional team. If you are unable to call, please email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!


Dynamics International School Pte Ltd
583 Orchard Road, #13-03 Forum,
Singapore, 238884

Email Address


Get in Touch

+65 6100 9235