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Rona Kay D. Alburo

Rona Kay D. Alburo

Bachelor of Arts in Liacom with Concentration in English and Marketing

Name of Institution:
Unversity of San Jose Recoletos, Philippines

Rona Kay D. Alburo is a dedicated professional with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liacom, specializing in English and Marketing. Committed to furthering her education, she pursued additional studies, obtaining a Certificate of General Education and a Diploma in Special Education in the Philippines. Remarkably, she achieved recognition as the Most Outstanding Graduate upon completing her Diploma in Special Education.

Rona's teaching journey took a significant turn when she ventured into early intervention in Singapore in 2013. Since then, she has emerged as a passionate advocate for children with special needs, considering it her life mission. Possessing extensive experience as a special education teacher, Rona has demonstrated her effectiveness in planning and implementing Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs).

Her expertise extends to handling children with learning difficulties and behavioral challenges, employing tailored learning approaches such as behavior modification, discrete trial teaching, and the TTEACH approach within the classroom.

As a teacher, Rona embodies passion and perseverance, firmly believing in the potential of every child to achieve their best. Her dedication to the field and advocacy for children with special needs reflects her unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on their lives.