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Nur Hidayah

Nur Hidayah

Bachelor’s degree in Art with a major in Psychology

Name of Institution:
James Cook University, Australia

With seven years of dedicated experience working with special needs students, specifically those with autism, both in one-to-one and small group settings, Daya brings a rich reservoir of knowledge and expertise. Throughout her career, she has developed a profound understanding of the intricate connection between creativity and cognitive development.

Guided by a philosophy firmly rooted in the belief that every child possesses the potential for excellence when equipped with the right tools and support, she has become a stalwart advocate for their success. Embracing an activity-based teaching methodology, she is committed to crafting dynamic and engaging learning environments that nurture growth and development. Her approach is centered on creating a space where each child can thrive, reflecting her dedication to providing meaningful tools and support for their journey.

Currently pursuing a Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Education, her ultimate goal is to build a community that not only understands but also embraces and supports individuals with special needs. She envisions contributing to a more inclusive and empathetic society.