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Aoife Dunne

Aoife Catherine Dunne

Bachelor of Education with Art Major

Name of Institution:
Marino Institute of Education, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

Aoife has dedicated the past five years to teaching in mainstream education settings in Ireland, where she actively engaged with both mainstream and special education classes. Her training included a special focus on the language development of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Motivated by a genuine desire to help each child reach their full potential, Aoife firmly believes in providing students with the opportunity to learn in a manner that aligns with their specific learning style. Committed to fostering positive learning experiences for each student, she brings a personalized approach to her teaching.

Looking ahead, Aoife aspires to further enhance her expertise by pursuing a master’s in special education in the near future. Her continuous dedication reflects a passion for creating inclusive and effective educational environments that cater to the diverse needs of students.