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Alesha Woo

Alesha Woo

Masters in Education in Special Education

Name of Institution:
Nanyang Technical University, National Institute of Education

Alesha holds a Masters in Education in Special Education from Nanyang Technical University, National Institute of Education, a diploma in early childhood care and education from KLC International Institute, and a BSc in Banking and Finance from Singapore Institute of Management, University of London.

She has worked in a variety of institutional contexts, including 10 years of private tutoring and as an early childhood educator in various preschools before joining Dynamics International School as a Specialist Subject Teacher in Math and Information Communication Technology.

Alesha has a great deal of experience working with children with special needs, even inspiring some to achieve an overall top Ten result in their school classes. She specialised in Primary Level Maths, Science and Chinese and as a mother of three she feels empowered to understand the ever-changing needs of children and how to motivate them to succeed. Alesha advocates learning with understanding and ensures her students have a good knowledge of the techniques to build on their mathematics knowledge rather than just pure memorization.