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Daryl Van Hale

Daryl Van Hale

Bachelor's Degree in Social Work with a double minor in Psychology and Anthropology

Name of Institution:
Valley City State University, North Dakota, USA

Daryl Van Hale holds a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work with a double minor in Psychology and Anthropology from Valley City State University, in North Dakota, USA. He also holds an Associates Degree in Developmental Disabilities from Minot University which is also in North Dakota.

He has over 40 years of experience in social work, mental health and Special Education. He has extensive expertise in human service case management, residential, school and classroom management techniques, Functional Behavioural Assessments, Token Economy, Applied Behavioural Analysis practices, Vocational Training, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy practices, Antecedent-Behaviour-Consequence (ABC) Charting, Task Analysis, teaching Explicit Phonics and Grammar and Comprehension Language Teaching. He has also continued his professional development gaining certificates in TEFL, Cognitive Restructuring (CBT), Conflict Mediation, the TEACCH Approach, Seizure Disorders and Medication Management for Non Prescribers.

Daryl is currently a Sr Teacher at Dynamics International School (DIS) where he teaches literacy and manages the behavioural and individual learning plans of DIS students. He is driven to live a fulfilling career where he helps others but also continues to learn and grow himself. He is particularly interested in working with diverse groups of people - differing ages, ability levels, diagnoses, genders, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Daryl seeks to assist his students to perform to their best potential, experience an improved quality of life and overcome barriers to their learning. Daryl hopes to bring more inclusiveness to Singapore where he has lived and worked for over 13 years, considering it his home.